Election 2024 Candidate Statements
Augusta Ann “Gigi” Pines
Office sought: President
Scout ancestors: Joseph Phillips and Joe Remo
Our ancestors and their legacy have inspired me to become a SISCA officer. As president, I plan to work hard to accomplish the goals and projects we’ve planned, especially those that involve the cemetery. I plan to be present for our board meetings and annual events (Seminole Days, Juneteenth, and Fort Clark Days). I plan to share our history through presentations, public speaking, and tours of our museum and the cemetery. The skills and interest I bring to SISCA are leadership, good communication, enthusiasm, teamwork, dependability, motivation, and my organizational skills.
Windy Goodloe
Office sought: Secretary
Scout ancestors: Joseph Phillips and Joe Remo
What inspires me to be a secretary for SISCA is the legacy that was left behind by the Seminole Negro Indian Scouts and our more recent ancestors like Miss Charles Emily Wilson and Mr. Warrior. I’ve learned from watching and listening. They could be counted on to show up, even when they didn’t know if anyone else would. Their unwavering dedication to our history has left an indelible mark and a call to action. I want to help SISCA accomplish several things. First and foremost is our continued purpose of preserving and maintaining the Seminole Indian Scouts Cemetery. Secondly, I hope to continue growing our annual celebrations (Juneteenth and Seminole Days) and showcasing our history on display at the museum. I would like to continue our language revitalization program. The skills and interests that I bring that would help SISCA flourish are my writing and organizational skills, my knowledge of our history (which I am still learning and know that I will never know everything), my love for and connection to Brackettville and its surrounding areas, and my relationships with people in my hometown.
Corina T. Harrington
Office sought: Treasurer
Scout ancestors: Dallas Griner, William Miller, Isaac Payne, Caesar Payne, and Adam Payne
What inspires me to be a part of this organization is that we have a historical cemetery with our loved ones that needs taking care of, and I am able and willing to help. I have learned a lot being involved in the organization and would like to continue to learn. Also I would like to continue working on our connection with Nacimiento.
Randall Factor
Scout ancestor: Pompey Factor
As a direct descendant of Seminole Scout Pompey Factor, I wish to serve as Board Member to continue the legacy of Miss Charles by supporting the other SISCA Board Members and Officers, and respectfully represent all Seminole Scout members and their families. I have been a chairman of professional organizations in the past, and that experience has given me an ability to make good decisions, the ability to solve tough problems and be an effective member of a team. I have been a strong supporter of SISCA in the past and have attended Seminole Days for years. If elected as a Board Member, I have and will share the history of the Scouts with the public and educational systems through presentations and social media, attend Board meetings and support fundraisers. I have also made available Seminole Scouts merchandise for purchase to families, guests and the public, often donating a portion of those profits back to SISCA. In the past, the Factor family and I have supported SISCA and its projects through donations, volunteerism, and community outreach, and I will continue to do so as a Board Member.
George Fay Jr.
Scout ancestor: Adam Fay
I thank God for allowing me to have the great honor of carrying on the tradition of our honorable Seminole Scouts, who were blessed to perform great feats in the sights of God and man. I strive to help keep our guests, visitors, and members safe and comfortable as well.
Micco Lee Fay
Scout ancestors: Adam Fay, Adam Payne, Sandy Fay, and Isaac Payne
I grew up attending Juneteenth and Seminole Days nearly every year in the ’80s and ’90s. I first learned the rich history at college (UT Austin) where I made my sole research project for a course to be on the Scouts, their journey to Texas and Mexico and how they had to adapt and assimilate to these new regions to survive and thrive. It ultimately inspired my college professor and her husband to be involved in expanding the TIC museum in SA to house the Scouts. I was not consistently present for SISCA events in the 2000s as I grew into adulthood and my career. However, in the 2010s, I re-established my love for SISCA and began not only attending events, but I am now helping and volunteering! I feel a Board position is my next step in giving, contributing, maintaining and growing SISCA!!!
Tour: I have been ideating, researching, and practicing holding a potential tour on Seminole Days and Juneteenth that would cover (1) the school grounds, (2) Fort Clark, (3) Las Moras Creek, and (4) the cemetery. I am happy to lead this initiative but would ask for help amongst SISCA officers and support/input from the SISCA community.
Media/Branding Refresh: I would like to help and already have initial planning on putting together a style guide for SISCA. This would modernize and digitize logos, colors, images, and more to make it easier for SISCA to stand out and easier to create an additional, consistent revenue stream from a variety of merchandising.
Dina Rodriguez
Scout ancestors: Pompey Factor, Adam Fay, Charles Daniels, William Miller, and Santon Voskes
I would like to continue my position as a board member. I have too many to name family members in the cemetery, including my father. They inspire me to be a board member. I want to help keep Ms. Charles’ dream going, to keep our history alive and share what I know about our descendants and to help people who want to know more about who their relations are with other descendants.