Elders’ Circle
2:00PM - 5:00PM: Carver School
The Elders’ Circle:
Sharing Stories to Honor the Past
The circle will begin with Dr. Ian Hancock sharing how he learned our language in 1976, from elders in Brackettville. In 2006, he created a dictionary for our community. For those who have never heard the language spoken, or those who haven’t heard it spoken in decades, he will read aloud a story in Afro-Seminole Creole.
Next, we’ll listen to our elders share memories and stories about their lives growing up together as part of the community of descendants of Seminole Negro Indian Scouts. And every elder also has stories about their own elders, the men and women who first settled in Brackettville and Nacimiento and created our traditions and community, whether they were Scouts or the families who supported them. Come join us to explore the rich heritage that has made it possible for our people ( community) to survive and thrive!
The SISCA Oral History Task Group will record the circle for the SISCA museum, so that this history will be preserved for descendants through the ages.
Bring your elders to share their stories of growing up, of a world that is rapidly disappearing if we do not listen. Each memory they carry is a door into a past that helps us deepen our understanding of who we are.