Greetings, SISCA members! We hope that you all have been well. Since our last newsletter, we've been quite busy. Keep reading to find out what's been going on. February 2017 - Fort Clark Historical Society Presentation ![]() On Saturday, February 25, Augusta "Gigi" Pines and her niece Windy Goodloe gave a presentation before the members of the Fort Clark Historical Society. The presentation was entitled "Wade in the Water." Gigi spoke about Miss Charles Emily Wilson and the history of the Seminole Indian Scout Cemetery Association. Windy spoke about the Negro spirituals that were once sung during Seminole Negro gatherings. The crowd was warm and welcoming, and their beautiful voices filled Palisado Hall as they sang along. March 2017 March 3-4, 2017 - Fort Clark Days We had a booth during Fort Clark Days. We displayed pictures and books, and we had T-shirts, caps, and mugs for sale. Mary and Al Nofi donated items to be sold as well. Unfortunately, we were rained out right after we finished setting up. Thank you to Corina Torralba for volunteering. March 11 - One Year Anniversary of the Passing of Frank "Bootsie" Goodloe Frank "Bootsie" Goodloe is no longer physically with us, but his spirit is always around us. He passed away on March 12, 2016 in Big Lake, Texas. His wife of 36 years, Josephine, and their children and their significant others, and their grandchildren gathered at his grave to honor this day. March 12 - Burial of Mother Annabelle "Nanny" Ballard Mother Annabelle "Nanny" Ballard was buried at the Seminole Indian Scout Cemetery on Sunday, March 12. Her funeral was held the previous day in San Angelo, Texas. She passed away on March 3, 2017. From her obituary: "Her life was well lived in the light of Jesus Christ. She was born on November 18, 1927 to Harry Hannibal Haywood and Lorena Belle (Dimery) Haywood in Del Rio, Texas. Her joy was serving others and praying to the Lord for strength and mercy. Her family lineage is connected to the Seminole Negro Indian Scouts in Brackettville, Texas and her body will be laid to rest at the Seminole Negro Indian Scout Cemetery. Her husband, parents, and brother Joe Haywooe preceded her in death. She is survived by her five children Sally Ayana, John Earl Thomas, Michael Anthony Ballard, Vavette Michelle Ballard, and Angela Rose Haywood, 15 grandchildren and 23 great-grandchild, 2 sister, Rose Mary Scott and Frances Faye Sykes, 2 brothers, Harry Haywood II and Charles Haywood Sr." We extend our deepest condolences to Mother Annabelle "Nanny" Ballard's family. March 25 - National Medal of Honor Day In recognition of National Medal of Honor Day, the Fort Clark Historical Society (FCHS) and the Seminole Indian Scout Cemetery Association (SISCA) have joined for this event. The program will begin at 2 PM at the Memorial in front of Dickman Hall in Fort Clark and will end at the Seminole Indian Scout Cemetery. More details to follow. Monthly Meeting - April 2017 Our next montly meeting will be held on Saturday, April 8, at 1PM. Mark your calendars! Thank You!
Thank you for your donations and contributions. They are greatly appreciated.
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